袁巧霞教授课题组在WaterResearch上发表了题为“Performance evaluation of a solar evaporation system for liquid digestate concentration”的研究论文。该研究开发了一套“太阳能-空气”强化蒸发的沼液浓缩系统,在典型工况下对系统性能进行了评估及环境经济性评价。研究结果为沼液的低成本、高效浓缩提供了新思路。

The safe and efficient treatment and resource recovery of the large amount of liquid digestate (LD) produced by biogas plants has become an important factor limiting the development of the biogas industry.In this study, a solar evaporationsystem was developed based on low cost, highefficiency, and high nutrient recovery of LD concentration. The effects of different parameters, including solar radiation, LD flowrate, and daily treatment capacity, on the concentration efficiency, nutrient recovery, andthermalefficiency were investigated. Economic andenviroeconomicanalyseswere conducted to comprehensively assess the feasibility and environmental benefits of the systemforlarge-scale biogas plants. The results showed that the higher the solar radiation, the higher the air temperature and its saturation vapor pressure, which led to an increase in the concentration efficiency of LD. The LD concentration efficiency can reach up to 43.33%whenthe average daily solar radiation was773.08 W/m2.High solar radiation also contributed to high LD temperature, leading to an increase in the percentage of free ammonia (NH3)intheLD, which was not conducive to the recovery of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N).By increasing the LD flow rate, the heat and mass exchange between air and LD in the spray chamber was enhanced, resulting in higher concentration efficiency.The variation of LD flow rate and daily treatmentcapacityhad little effect on nutrient recovery. The recovery of NH3-N and soluble salts in the concentrated phase could be as high as 78.39% and 84.19%, respectively, whentheinitial pH of LD was 5, the air flow rate was 0.03 m3/s, and the LD flow rate was 6 L/min. In addition, the economic analysisindicated that theconcentrationcost of the system in treating a daily LD production of 100 tons was1.08 USD/ton. The solar evaporation system can reduce CO2emissions by 2.40×105tons and earn carbon creditsof3.48×106USD over its lifetime.This study provides a new direction and reference for LD concentration.